Why I Read

     All around the world reading is known to be an ancient skill that helps us learn about the world around us. Reading is an essential skill that helps us learn how to do most things in life. Reading can also help you get ahead in life and with your career because you can gain so much knowledge from reading. A lot of people today don’t read as much as people used to. Some people don’t have enough time, can’t find a good book, or just don’t want to read. I read mostly because I have to for school. Sometimes during the school year I will read a few books in my free time during class but I don’t really read outside from that.

     I don’t read that much outside of school because most of the time the book that I’m trying to read doesn’t interest me that much. For me to read for enjoyment I will have to really enjoy the book. When I have to read something for school I usually like the book because I understand it since we talk about it and analyze it. But reading on my own is more difficult for me because sometimes I won’t understand it or other times I just don’t want to read. If I find an interesting book and I can understand it then most of the time I will read it then. So my relationship with reading isn’t the best because I don’t read a lot but it’s still good because when I find a good book I could read a lot. Most of the time though, I read because I have to for school assignments. The genres I read are mystery, teen novels, and in the future I would like to read some classic literature.

A Piece of Art that has Meaning to Me

There are many things of what people consider art. The “Starry Night” by Vincent van Gogh is a piece of art that many people around the world recognize and value. Vincent van Gogh painted  “Starry Night” in June 1889 at the asylum he was staying at in Saint Remy de Provence. We now know the “Starry Night” as one of the most recognizable paintings in the world with a view of the night sky. The “Starry Night” shows artistic merit because of how Vincent van Gogh captured the night sky with realism but made it abstract at the same time.

     “Starry Night” is known for its swirling clouds, bright stars, a shining crescent moon, and a cypress tree overlooking a town. What stands out the most in the painting to me is the sky because of how much detail is there. Even though the painting has both abstract and realism, there is still a lot of detail throughout the whole painting. I like how he made the sky swirl together but with a little bit of yellow paint in the cloud. Even though it’s a little detail I think it brings the sky together.  Another thing that gives the painting artistic merit is the how he made the stars stand out. If it was a realistic night sky painting the stars would be bright dots. But since he decided to make it abstract too, he made the stars have bright circles around them making them stand out more. This is another thing that brings the whole painting together.

     Vincent van Gogh painted “Starry Night” in June 1889. A year earlier he checked into the asylum after an incident where he cut a portion of his own ear lobe off. When he was there, he was in his room most of the time which gave him a lot of time to paint. He painted “Starry Night” just before sunrise with the view of the sky outside his window. In his room he had bars on the windows but in the painting he left them out. Before “Starry Night”, Van Gogh usually painted exactly what he saw so this painting shows a break from his usual works of art. There are different views on what Van Gogh meant by this painting and one of them is that it represented hope. Some people believe this because the town is mostly dark with a bright sky. This could mean even when it’s dark you can still find light. “Starry Night” was painted in 1889 and didn’t become known for a while after Vincent van Gogh died but people still know it today as one of the most popular paintings in the world.